Wednesday, December 22, 2010

my orphans arrived

My orphans have arrived! Besides teaching and ILP class each day we teach one 40 minute ELE class. It’s to older students at the boarding school that want to learn English. I’ve been team teaching with Rachel for the past few weeks because I’ve been waiting for my orphans to arrive. I get to teach the special class. Last year sometime there was a big earthquake in China. Many children were left without parents and families. The Mayflora International School that I’m teaching at has been so kind to take in 20 of these children and teach and house them for free. I get the privilege of teaching them English. Six of them have arrived. I went down to the classroom today and saw some of the children. They were very interested in me and I think it’ll be a great opportunity for me to teach them. They’re all so adorable. They’re ages 6-12. 14 more are on there way here. I think it’s so neat that this school has offered to take these children in. Being away from home I miss my family a lot. I can’t imagine how these young children feel. I’m glad they have a place to call home now. I’m so excited to teach them and give them a little love that they deserve! I’ll be there “mama” for the next 3 months!

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